Saturday, June 16, 2007


BOBO from North Carolina


Ruby Bleu said...

What a handsome Boston boy Bobo is. This is the neatest painting!!!

Thanks for sharing Asta!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

Your mom does awesome work Asta! Just magnificent!

Love ya lots,

the many Bs said...

THis is a great painting.

How portraits work

My mommy paints portraits from photographs. I love to be with her when she smears the goopy paint on the canvass. I even tried to eat the paint once. I don't understand money yet but she told me that the littlest ones (12 x 12) cost $800. If you send me a note I will ask her to contact you or your mommy: is the thingie to use. Smootchie kissies, Asta